Groundswell NZ is repeating its request to meet with the Prime Minister to discuss the impact of unworkable Government policies on farmers and growers in New Zealand, Groundswell NZ co-founder Bryce McKenzie said.
“Groundswell NZ requested a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss these unworkable policies, the Groundswell NZ alternatives, and the failure in representation of farmers and growers by the established industry bodies.”
“The Prime Minister offered to let us sit in on her meeting with the very establishment organisations that have failed to represent farmers’ concerns, ensuring they would be present to shield the PM from our criticisms of them and the Government.”
“We reiterated our request for a meeting without the failing establishment bodies, which was declined. We would even host the Prime Minister next time she comes through Gore.”
“All too often, these industry bodies have stopped representing farmers to the Government and instead are now representing the Government to farmers.”
“Groundswell NZ is now publicly repeating its request to meet with the Prime Minister, without the Government’s pet lobby groups. We’ll meet anywhere, any time, but not for a pantomime pretending to represent grassroots farmers.”
“Groundswell NZ is New Zealand’s largest organisation in terms of subscribed grassroots farmers, growers, and supporters. The Prime Minister should meet with us for a discussion – not pigeonhole us with the establishment industry body lobbyists,” Mr McKenzie said.