Calling all residents of the Gore District

The Gore District Plan, now out for consultation, proposes to classify the entire Gore District under the Sites and Areas of Significance to Maori part of Section 6 of the RMA.

Once land is classified under Section 6, it becomes subject to counterproductive, unworkable, and intrusive bureaucracy. Landowners can spend years and fortunes on applications and legal costs just figuring out what they’re allowed to do on their land.

In this case, rather than pick out the bits of land that have particular significance to Maori, Ngai Tahu’s local branch in Gore, Hokonui Runanga, have said that everywhere in the district is significant to them. Then, rather than ask them to go back and pick out specific places, like in earlier district plans, the Gore District Council have gone along with that and applied the Section 6 rules to the whole district in the proposed plan.

We aren’t having a go at Ngai Tahu and Hokonui Runanga here. It’s the Gore District Council that is at fault and it’s them who need to fix it.

Will you pledge your support to our call for the Gore District Council to own up and change the District Plan?